**Oakland**, Pitt Campus*
*8:30 p.m - 5:00 p.m. Frick Fine Arts Building*
The 4th biannual Early China symposium to honor Pitt history and sociology emeritus professor *Cho-yun Hsu*.
This interdisciplinary conference titled "Sovereign Space in Early Cities" will bring together noted scholars from three
continents to discuss sovereign space (space reserved for use by the ruler of a city) in the early cities of Mesopotamia,
the Indus Valley, China, Mesoamerica, and Africa. Organized by Pitt associate professor of history *Anthony Jerome Barbieri-Low*.
The conference will include the following presentations: "/Processions
and Sovereignty in Ancient Cities/," by Marc Bermann, Pitt associate
professor of anthropology; "/Sovereign Space in Sub-Saharan African
Cities/," by Paula Jean Davis, Pitt assistant professor of Africana
Studies; "/Kings and Subjects in Sovereign Space-Variations from Ancient
Mesoamerica's Political Capitals/," by Olivier de Montmollin, Pitt
associate professor of anthropology; "/Archaeological Discovery and
Research Into the Layout of the Palaces and Ancestral Temples of Han
Dynasty Chang'an/," by Liu Qingzhu, director of the Institute of
Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing;
"/Sovereign Space in the Ancient Mesopotamian City/," by Marc Van De
Mieroop, professor of Assyriology, Oriental Institute at the University
of Oxford; and "/Practiced Places and Ritual Spaces: Altered Landscapes,
Community Building and Performances in the Indus Civilization/," by Rita
Wright, associate professor of anthropology, New York University.
"*/Sovereign Space in Early Cities/*" is sponsored by the Department of
History in Pitt's School of Arts and Sciences, with additional support
from the Asian Studies Center and Center for Latin American Studies
within the University Center for International Studies; the Department
of Anthropology; and the Department of the History of Art and Architecture.
For more information, contact Anthony Jerome Barbieri-Low at
ablow@pitt.edu <mailto:ablow@pitt.edu>