On next Monday (Nov 20) three organizations (Office of Cross Cultural &
Civic Leadership, Student Government Board Diversity, and Intercultural
Dialogue Group) presents "Speaking of Faith" at 8 pm in Kurtzman Room,
We will have representatives from different religions (Christianity,
Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, ...) and you can ask questions to them you
always wanted to.
Here is a short explanation about program:
The Cultural aspect of O3CL will deal with: "Speaking of Faith: Exploring
Common Values in Religious Diversity" on Monday, Nov. 20, 2006, in the
Kurtzman Rm. @ 8:00 pm
Come and join O3CL in a program that will feature some of the common
values among religious faiths as well as the features that make them
unique from each other. See how well you know how religion is impacting
our society, and how the values found in diverse religious faiths are
similar. Don't miss this workshop.
Light refreshments will be served.
Mahmut Demir
Intercultural Dialogue Group