Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Closed CGS classes

From the College of General Studies:

We are closing the following courses after granting permission to enroll to a number of students. The remaining seats will he reserved for CGS students. Seats in these classes will be available when the restrictions are lifted on 11/27/06.

Closed 10/31/06:
PSY 0182 (13212) Law and Social Psychology

Closed 10/30/06:
BIOSCI 0800 (19946) Biology for non-majors I
ENGCMP 0400 (13201) Written Professional Communication
HAA 0040 (13662) Introduction to Architecture

Closed 10/26/06:
ANTH 0768 #13659 Human Sexuality in Cross Cultural
NROSCI 0081 #13211 Drugs and Behavior
PSY 1230 #13678 Psychology of Death and Dying

John English
Director, Extended Education and Distance Learning
College of General Studies
University of Pittsburgh
412-624-7316 (voice)

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