Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Undergraduate Conference

via e-mail:

Lebanon Valley College is pleased to host an undergraduate conference on religion, philosophy and culture this spring on March 31, 2007. The conference will be devoted to the topic of “The Future of Democracy,” and is scheduled as a part of our yearlong colloquium on “Democracy and its Discontents.” The keynote speaker for the conference will be Professor Catherine Keller from Drew University. She will be speaking on “The Daze of Democracy: Faith, Fear and Freedom.”

There will also be opportunity for undergraduate students to present their own work either in the form of complete papers or as a part of panel discussions.

More information about the conference, including a call for papers and panels, registration forms and fees, schedule, and directions, can be found at the conference homepage at www.lvc.edu/democracy. I invite all of you and your students to attend and participate in this exciting opportunity for our region.


Jeffrey W. Robbins, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Religion & Philosophy

Director of the College Colloquium
Lebanon Valley College
Annville, PA 17003

Associate Editor

Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory


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