Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Global Studies Student Research Symposium

2007 Global Studies Student Research Symposium:

Guidelines & Deadlines

The Global Studies Student Research Symposium is designed to provide recognition for excellent student scholarship in the field of Global Studies and a forum for students and faculty to discuss critical global issues. All students at the University of Pittsburgh, in any major and including regional campuses, are eligible to submit a research paper for consideration in the competition. Finalists are selected by a panel of judges drawn from the Global Studies Affiliated Faculty. Awards for Best Undergraduate Paper and Best Graduate Paper will be made at the annual Symposium in March 2007, where students present their papers and receive cash prizes. To compete, students must submit a research paper on an eligible topic by no later than January 31, 2007 following the guidelines set out below. Finalists should be available to present their paper at the Symposium (details TBA). The Symposium is open to the public and will feature an invited keynote speaker.

Eligible topics: research relating to one of the following global issues

Sustainable development

Global economy and global governance

Changing identities in a global world

Technology, communication and society

Conflict and conflict resolution

Global health

Specific Guidelines for undergraduate students:

The research paper must have been prepared for a course, seminar, independent study or internship at this University. Entries may be revised from their original form.

Length: minimum of 10 pages double spaced, maximum of 20 pages double spaced.

Specific Guidelines for Graduate students:

The research paper must have been prepared for a course, seminar, directed study, thesis, dissertation, or as a piece of independent research completed at this University. Entries may be revised from their original form.

Length: minimum of 15 pages double spaced, maximum of 30 pages double spaced.

General guidelines for both undergraduate and graduate students:

Limit one submission per year per student

Submissions must be received no later than January 31 to receive full consideration

Submit three printed copies to the Global Studies Program, 4100 WW Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260

To facilitate a blind review, the author’s name should appear only on the cover sheet. The cover sheet must include the following information (you may copy/paste the following):

Application for Global Studies Student Research Symposium

1) Name:

2) Pitt student i.d. number:

3) School (e.g. ARTSC, CGS, Law, GSPIA, etc.):

4) Department or Division (e.g. history, sociology, etc.):

5) Degree objective (e.g., B.A.; MA; PhD):

6) Expected year of graduation:

7) Title of Research Paper:

8) Course for which this paper was written (number, title, instructor, term & year):

9) Current Address, Telephone and E-Mail:

10) Permanent Address, Telephone, E-Mail (if different from above):

11) Abstract (no longer than one paragraph):

Global Studies Program



Lisa Alfredson, PhD

Associate Director of Global Studies (UCIS)

Research Assistant Professor (GSPIA)

University of Pittsburgh


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