Monday, August 14, 2006

New Yiddish Club

This is from Elliot Bergman, a grad student in German:

Dear colleagues:
I am writing to announce some good news. Last year a group of graduate
students from various disciplines (History, Russian and East European
Studies, Linguistics, Germanic Languages and Literatures, Slavic Studies,
etc.) and undergraduates participated in an Introductory Yiddish course
that was a great success. Many of us also met as part of a weekend study
group at Kiva Han. As the class came to a close, we decided to found a
I am pleased to announce that the SORC has approved our application to
become a campus organization. So that’s the good news. The Yiddish Club
at the University of Pittsburgh will serve as a point of contact for those
interested in Yiddish Studies and sponsor events designed to promote
Yiddish language and culture (e.g. film screenings, study groups, and
lecture series). The club has no religious affiliation and anyone with
interest is encouraged to join and/or attend events. The elected club
officers are as follows:
Elliott Bergman (President) (Germanic Languages and
Julie Draskoczy (Vice President) (Slavic Languages and
Scott Goldman (Director of Undergraduate Affairs/ Manager)
(Jewish Studies major)

Faculty Advisor:
Prof. Ilya Prizel (Russian and East European Studies, Political Science)
Faculty Affiliates:
Prof. Alex Orbach (Jewish Studies)
Prof. Clark Muenzer (Germanic Languages and Literatures)
Laurie Cohen (Librarian, Hillman Library, Collection Development)
Thank you for your support and feel free to contact either Julie or I
should you have any questions.
Elliott Bergman
Julie Draskoczy
P.S. If you would like to have your name removed from our mailing list or
you know somebody who would like to be added, please let us know. Feel
free to forward this e-mail to interested students and faculty.
"the Yiddish language [is] a language of exile, without a land, without
frontiers, not supported by any government?" from Isaac Bashevis
Singer’s 1976 Nobel Prize Lecture

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