Dear majors, especially juniors:
You are cordially invited to attend one or more of the upcoming Religious Studies 1903 classes (on November 5, 12, 19 or December 3, 3-5:25 pm) to hear presentations by your fellow majors on their research projects for Religious Studies 1903. This is a nice way to support your colleagues, find out what lies in store for you next year or the year after, and learn something interesting.
The theme of this semester's 1903 seminar is Religious Authority. (We will announce the theme for next fall once we have worked out the fall schedule.) Each senior has chosen a research project based on his or her interests that in some way addresses questions of religious authority.
Here is the schedule of presentations:
University of Pittsburgh, Department of Religious Studies
RELGST 1903, Directed Research Capstone Seminar, Fall 2008
presents a
Research Colloquium on
Wednesdays, November 5, 12, 19, and December 5, 3-5 pm
2628 Cathedral of Learning
November 5, 2008
Authority and the Church: The Formations of Orthodoxies and Heterodoxies
Joshua T. Bryant, "The Tertullian Method: Heresy vs. Orthodoxy"
Adam J. Kear, "Fidelities Divided: Tradition and Magisterium in the Society of St. Pius"
Laura A. McGee, "Papal Primacy vs. Papal Jurisdiction: Contemporary Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Perspectives on a Historically Schismatic Issue"
John M. Schmidt, "Sex and the Second Century Christian"
November 12, 2008
The Dynamics of Individuals as Authorities
Luke S. Coryea, "Komensky and Zinzendorf: The Life and Rebirth of the Moravian Brethren"
Justin H. Jacobs, "Changing Minds in Changing Times: Herman Hailperin as the Modern Rabbi"
Lindsey R. Myers, "From Aristotle to Thecla: The Effect of Physiology on Female Authority"
Carrie E. Wilson, "Greek Gentile Turned Religious Authority: The Image of Aristotle to Jewish Philosophers"
November 19, 2008
Religion, Ideology, and the State
Lauren Alexander, "Priestly Control and the Attainability of the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt"
Sarah A. Murison, "Catholic Authority in China: The Vatican and the Chinese Communist Party"
Jason A. Saltzman, "The Ideological Authority of National Socialism and its Primary Role in the Attempted Eradication of European Jewry"
Kyle M. Yeversky, "Church and Empire: The Impact of the Religion and Politics of Constantine I"
December 5, 2008
Dynamics of Tradition and Change
Kaan Buyuksarac, "Caring for the Dead: The Buddhist Death Rituals of China"
Joseph R. Clark, "Gnostic Concepts of Secrecy and Authority through a Japanese Esoteric Buddhist Framework"
Erin L. Dragan, "Becoming Part of It: Navajo and Iroquois Religious Authority in Changing Times"
Clarisse R. Wells, "How Do We Move Forward? Sexuality and Ethics in the Black Church"