Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Job Info

Tony Novosel, the History advisor, passes along the following e-mail:

"Wanted you to share this with you and this is for your Seniors who are in the job hunt. My sister is in HR for PrimeSource and is coming personally to do the interviews here with our students. They have targeted Pitt specifically. Last year, they offered three students positions with the company. They were from Econ, Psy and Communications. So, PLEASE share this information with all your graduating seniors!

Below is the information. I am also CCing my sister and another HR Manager, Vickie Lynch, in case you or your students have any questions.

On March 27 - ALL DAY - PrimeSource -http://www.primesourcebp.com/ A building products international company, will conduct interviews in the Career Services Center. They are recruiting for Management Trainee Positions, and they are also looking at ALL Majors. They are opening a new facility in Cleveland fro those lookign to stay close to Pittsburgh.

To register for this contact the Careers Center at: 412-648-7130 and tell them you want to register for the interviews by PrimeSource on March 27, 2008.

For more information on this company you can contact Tony Novosel pugachev@pitt.edu, as his sister is one of the recruiters."

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