Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Studio Arts Courses

I received this today.


Due to the increase in Studio Arts and Architectural Studies majors who
are required to take Studio Arts foundation-level courses (SA 0110,
0120, 0130 and 0140) as part of their curriculum, it has become
necessary to restrict some seats in those Studio Arts courses that some
of your students may opt to take to fulfill the General Education
Creative Expression requirement. When the 5 available seats in the
current schedule of classes have been filled, the course will be CLOSED.

PLEASE DO NOT send any students to the Studio Arts department or to the
and Sciences Advising Center for permission to get into those courses.

We will release the restricted seats that are not used by majors on
December 11th, so please tell your students to check the schedule of
classes on DECEMBER 11th for any remaining SA Foundation course seats
which they can then add at that time.

Our Studio Arts departmental policy is that we, as a department and
faculty, will not
give any permission slips to closed classes. If students have not been
able to get into the course during registration or when remaining seats
are released on December 11th, students who still want to pursue
entrance into the course should plan on attending class the first day.
It is up to each faculty member to add additional students at that point
with priority going first to SA majors, ARCH ST majors, SA minors, and
then any remaining students.

I appreciate your assistance.

Delanie Jenkins
Chair and Associate Professor
Department of Studio Arts
School of Arts and Sciences
University of Pittsburgh
118 Frick Fine Arts Building
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
412-648-2431 main office
412-648-2434 studio
412-624-3660 fax

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