Monday, February 15, 2010

Pitt in China Information Session

Information Session--Pitt in China
4:00p.m.- Monday, February 22 12:00p.m.
Study Abroad Office - 802 WPU

Want to spend six weeks this summer in an exciting metropolis in the heart of China--with no previous Chinese language study required?

Come to an information session to learn about one of our most popular programs year after year: Pitt in China!

Information sessions will be held at the following times:

Thursday, 18 February @ 4:00pm
Friday, 19 February @ 3:00pm
Monday, 22 February @ 11:00am

All three sessions will be held at the Study Abroad Office, 802 WPU. No sign-up is required, so feel free to simply show up at any session.

REMEMBER: It's not too late to apply for summer 2010! The application deadline is 5 March 2010.
Audience: Undergraduate students
Cost: Free
Sponsored by: Asian Studies Center, Study Abroad Office
For more information, contact Ben Pilcher - 412-383-7165

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