Thursday, November 01, 2007

Seniors: A Great Opportunity in Washington DC

2008 Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Junior Fellows Program

The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP) is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing cooperation among nations and promoting active international engagement by the United States. As one of the world’s leading think tanks specializing in international affairs, CEIP conducts programs of research, discussion, publication and education.

The CEIP Junior Fellows Program is designed to provide a substantive work experience for students who have serious career interests in the area of international affairs. Approximately 8-10 students will be selected to work at the CEIP in Washington, DC on a full-time basis for a period of one year.

Applications are accepted only from graduating college seniors or individuals who have graduated within the past academic year. No one will be considered who has started graduate studies. Applicants should have completed a significant amount of course work in international affairs, political science, economics, history or Russian, Chinese or Middle East studies.

All application materials must be received by the Office of Experiential Learning (OEL) no later than 12pm on Friday December 14, 2007. The OEL will send the materials to the Washington, DC. Finalists in the selection will be invited for personal interviews in spring 2008. The selection of the Junior Fellows for 2008 will be made no later than April 15. All fellowships begin on August 1, 2008. Junior Fellows are responsible for their own housing.

The monthly salary is $2,916.66 subject to federal, state, and local taxes. Benefits include medical, dental, and life insurance as well as vacation leave. A $500.00 allowance (less taxes) will be given to individuals relocating to the Washington, DC area.

Below you will find the link to a webpage with more information, as well as application materials:

Sarah Kerin
Information and Events Coordinator
Office of Experiential Learning
The University of Pittsburgh
B-4 Thaw Hall

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