Sunday, September 30, 2007

No DUS Office Hours Monday October 1

Unfortunately, I have to cancel my drop-in office hours Monday October 1. Please e-mail me for an appointment.

Friday, September 28, 2007


Sign-up sheets for pre-registration and registration appointments are now posted outside my office door (2603 CL).

If you are a Religious Studies major and planning to register with me: please sign up for a pre-registration advising appointment. You then have a choice: you can also sign up for a registration appointment or you can take a signed registration form to the Registrar yourself.

If you have an additional major and need a required course and will be registering with me: please make sure you have your advising appointment in the other department before meeting with me and make sure you bring me a signed permission form for any classes that require permissions before you meet with me (for registration). I can't register you for a restricted class without a permission and I can't always reach other advisors on the phone to get oral permission.

If you are a Religious Studies major registering with another department: please sign up for a pre-registration advising appointment.

If you are a minor or prospective major you may sign up for an advising appointment as well but not a registration appointment.


October 9 and 11: Information Sessions at the School of Education

The School of Ed is holding information sessions in October.
Tuesday, Oct. 9, on Early Childhood, Elementary and Special Ed from 5:30-7:30 in 5603 Posvar Hall, Colloquium Room.
Thursday, Oct. 11, on Secondary Ed from 5:30-7:30 in 5603 Posvar Hall, Colloquium Room.

To reserve a seat call 412 648-2230 or email

Internships in Japan

Student Internship Opportunities in Japan
The University of Pittsburgh Japan Internship Program matches qualified students with Japanese companies for internships ranging from two months to one year. Recruitment starts Sept. 17 and the deadline to contact the program manager, Dr. Brenda G. Jordan, is Oct. 15. This year's internships will generally begin from May 2008 on.
For more information, please see

Book Donations to Indonesia

If you are interested in donating books to a group of Religion students in Indonesia, read on:

An e-mail I received today:
"We'd like to introduce ourself to you. We are students of a small private university in Sumedang, INDONESIA. Sumedang regency is a remote place in Java Island. Our University are Sebelas April University. We have a study group that concerns with intellectual discourses, especially in Theology and Religious Studies. As students from remote place we have little access for our education. But in our shortages, we try to intensify our studies by holding a group discussion. We have a group discussion, that is Sumedang Student Association for the Study of Theology and Religious Studies. After discussing with our members, we have to try an initiative for getting a help for books' donation from abroad, because we know that it is very difficult to get books donation in Indonesia, especially in english books version. If you have some extra books or journals, We are very grateful and glad if you could donate them for our studies. And we are trying now for building up a small library for our study group. We are interested in the themes of Introduction to Theology, Biblical Studies, History of Religions, Jewish Studies, Mysticism, Eastern Religions, Western Religions, philosophy of religion and other related religious studies' books and journals We are sure that your donations will be very important and useful for helping us in getting knowledge better.

Please send the books to our secretariat address.
Here is our complete mailing address:
Sumedang Student Association for the Study of Theology and Religious Studies
PMII Kampung Warung Kalde Rt.03/02 Kecamatan Jatinangor Kab. SUMEDANG 45363 INDONESIA "

Interested in Peer Advising?


Have you discovered what it takes to succeed in college?
Do you find yourself helping other students select classes, choose a major or utilize campus resources?
Do you want to learn more about the resources and opportunities at the University of Pittsburgh so that you can make the most of your time here?
Would you like to work next summer as a peer advisor to incoming freshmen?

If you answered yes to the above questions, consider applying for the Arts and Sciences Advising Center peer advisor internship for the Spring term (2084). You will gain a broad range of knowledge about University programs and resources, learn more about the advising process, and develop leadership and communication skills. This is a 2-credit internship which can lead to summer employment as a peer advisor.

Time Commitment: Formal training is every Wednesday (during Spring term) from 3:00-5:00. In addition, 6 flexible hrs/week will be spent visiting campus resources, working on specific projects and performing various tasks related to the Advising Center’s functions.

Academic Component: Interns will read articles, write journal essays and complete an approved final project, paper, or portfolio.

Summer Employment: Students who successfully complete the internship will be eligible to apply for employment as peer advisors. Peer advisors work with incoming freshmen and their families during the summer PittStart sessions. The peer advisor position includes 21 PittStarts (8 hour workdays) from May through August. Also, there is a mandatory two-day intensive training in May.

Requirements: Applicants must have a minimum 2.75 QPA, and be available to work during the summer PittStart sessions.

Application Process: Applications are available at the A&S Advising Center (201 Thackeray Hall). Applications are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis, so we urge you to apply as soon as possible.


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Summer Program Judaism-Christianity-Islam in Israel

If you are interested in the following summer program, you can apply for an Israel Heritage Room Scholarship (though the Nationality Rooms summer scholarship program) . Both Professor Orbach and I have the more complete brochure on e-mail.

Joint Jewish-Christian-Muslim Religious Studies Programme:

A Religious Mosaic in the Holy Land

July 2 - August 5, 2008


“A Religious Mosaic in the Holy Land” is a unique interfaith seminar that will utilize the Galilee in the north of Israel - the origin of religious traditions and the living place of Jews, Christians, Muslims, Druze (and other religious groups) - as a unique laboratory of interfaith dialogue and co-existence.

The participants will spend six weeks in the Holy Land studying the three great monotheistic traditions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam (as well as other traditions which are present in Israel), the history of these traditions, its connections to the Land of Israel / Palestine and its relevance to Modern Israel and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Special attention will be given to the challenge of religious leaders and educators in our days to develop interfaith dialogues, both in Israel and in other parts of the world, in order to foster mutual understanding, tolerance and pluralism instead of hatred and violence.


The program will be composed of 150 academic hours, divided into four mini-seminars: the first three will be devoted to the three Monotheistic traditions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam

The fourth part will deal with Jerusalem, its religious and national meaning to all monotheistic traditions and its challenge to all who try to develop interfaith understanding and cooperation.

The emphasis of the program will be placed firmly on activities and studies outside the lecture halls. Therefore, the program will include study tours to major point of interest in the Galilee, which are relevant to our multicultural study. Participants will be able to meet directly people of the Galilee and representatives of the discussed traditions.

In addition the program will include panel discussions and workshops where the students explore past and present differences and points of dispute between these traditions and discus possible ways to overcome current interfaith conflicts.


The summer programme is intended for graduate students preferably, though not essential, who are in the process of studying courses associated with Religious Studies. All participants must be fluent in English.



Tuition Fees: $2,850

Living Expenses Fee: $3,900


A limited number of tuition scholarships will be available to qualified candidates.

v Cancellation Fee

Payment for the programme includes a registration fee which is non-refundable and equals 20% of the total sum of the living expenses fee. Should you decide to cancel your participation, payment will be refunded as follows:

20 days or more before date of course commencement – 80%

10 – 20 days before date of course commencement – 50%

No refunds are possible 10 days or less prior to course commencement.


Mrs. Shoshi Norman

Programme Director

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

October 5 lecture on Spinoza and Shakespeare...

MIKE WITMORE (Carnegie Mellon University)
"Spinoza and Shakespeare's Tempest"
Friday, October 5, 4:30 PM
Duquesne University
College Hall 548
Sponsored by Duquesne's Department of Philosophy

Here is a link to Duquesne's campus map (including parking garages):

Job Opportunity

From Tony Novosel, the History dept. advisor:

Job Interviews - October 23 - On Campus - ALL MAJORS My sister's company from Texas, PrimeSource - is coming to Pitt on the 23 October recruiting students from all majors. If you would like to interview with her company go to the Career Services Center on the 2nd Floor of WPU to sign up for an interview. You should also get help from Career Services in putting your Resume and Cover letter together, as well as preparing for the interview by doing the Mock Interviews they run in Career Services.

Tony Novosel
Department of History

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Intensive Language Studies in Eurasia

American Councils Intensive Language-Study Programs in Eurasia, October
> 15 Deadline
> American Councils is pleased to announce fellowship opportunities for
> U.S. undergraduate and graduate students to participate in the Spring
> 2008 Eurasian Regional Language Program for language study in Central
> Asia, the Southern Caucasus, Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova.
> Applications for the Spring 2008 program are due October 15.
> Applications are now available for download from the American Councils
> website:
> Full and partial fellowships are available through American Councils
> from U.S. Department of State (Title VIII) and U.S. Department of
> Education
> (Fulbright-Hays) grant support. Recent program participants have also
> received substantial fellowship support from the Institute of
> International Education (IIE), the Benjamin A. Gilman International
> Scholarship, and the U.S. Department of Education Title VI (FLAS).
> Recent Eurasian Regional Language Program participants have studied:
> Azeri in Baku;
> Buryat in Ulan Ude;
> Georgian and Chechen in Tbilisi;
> Kazakh in Almaty;
> Romanian/Moldovan in Chisinau;
> Tajik, Persian, and Uzbek in Dushanbe; and Ukrainian in Kyiv
> Programs also available for the study of: Armenian, Kyrgyz, Pashto,
> Tatar, Turkmen, Tuvan, and Yakut. [Students seeking to study
> languages not listed here should contact the American Councils
> Outbound Office
> (202) 833-7522.] Please note that some languages are offered in more
> than one country.
> The Eurasian Regional Language Program provides graduate students,
> advanced undergraduates, scholars, and professionals intensive
> individualized instruction in the languages of Eurasia. Participants
> may in enroll in semester, academic year, or summer programs. All
> courses are conducted by expert faculty from leading local
> universities and educational institutions. Students with at least two
> years of college-level instruction in Russian or the host-country
> language are eligible to apply to the program.
> Academic programs are tailored to the individual student's language
> level and provide approximately fifteen hours per week of in-class
> instruction in the target language. Courses in history, literature,
> and politics are also available for advanced speakers. Other program
> features include peer tutoring, housing with local host families, and
> graduate- or undergraduate-level academic credit through Bryn Mawr College.
> Application deadlines:
> Spring Semester: October 15
> Summer Program: March 1
> Fall Semester/Academic Year Program: April 1
> Applications for the Spring 2008 semester program are due October 15.
> Additional program information and applications are available on the
> American Councils website,
> For more information, please contact:
> Russian and Eurasian Outbound Programs American Councils for
> International Education: ACTR/ACCELS
> 1776 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036
> Telephone: (202) 833-7522
> Email:
> Website:

Global Service Learning

From: [] On Behalf Of Eric HartmanSent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 11:46 AMTo: Favorite, Mary BethSubject: Serve and Learn Abroad with Amizade!


Serve and Learn in communities around the world!
Community-driven service
University Credits
Diverse course subjects and country locations
Most affordable programs of their kind; Financial Aid available

Upcoming Opportunities:
Connect with community organizations while earning 15 credits in the beautiful and politically exciting Andean city of Cochabamba, Bolivia (Spring Semester): .
Learn about globalization from the perspective of a rural Jamaican community while serving with their leading nonprofit organization (Winter Break): .
Work with a locally developed and sustained guide school in Chilean Patagonia while learning and teaching about outdoor education and sustainable living (Winter Break): .

Thank you for considering and sharing these opportunities. Amizade works to empower individuals and communities through intercultural service and learning, and you assist that effort greatly by simply spreading the word.



-- Eric Hartman DirectorAmizade Global Service-LearningPO Box 110107, Pittsburgh, PA 15232 Phone: 412 441-6655 Fax: -- Eric Hartman DirectorAmizade Global Service-LearningPO Box 110107, Pittsburgh, PA 15232Phone: 412 441-6655 Fax:

From the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh

Please join us in an afternoon of open dialogue at our Open House at the Islamic Center of Pittsburgh on Thursday, September 20, 2007 from
12:00PM – 5:00PM at 4100 Bigelow Blvd.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Department Colloquium September 19

The Department of Religious Studies
Brown Bag Lunch Colloquium Series
University of Pittsburgh


Visiting Lecturer, Religious Studies Department, University of Pittsburgh

“Religious Continuity and Change: Research Opportunities in Egyptian Case Studies”
(Or, “How I Spent My Summer Vacation”)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
12:00 PM
2628 Cathedral of Learning

Coffee and cookies provided

Dr. Denova spent July in Egypt with a Fulbright-Hays project in conjunction with Pitt's Global Studies Program entitled "Islam, the West, and the Muslim World." She will detail Egypt's rich heritage of religious syncretism and suggest present opportunities for research.

Jacob Javits Scholarships 2008-2009

Another opportunity for graduating seniors:

******************************************************************* Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program (Federal Register: August 29, 2007 [CFDA# 84.170A])*******************************************************************Purpose of Program: The purpose of the Jacob K. Javits (JKJ)Fellowship Program is to award fellowships to eligible students ofsuperior ability, selected on the basis of demonstrated achievement, financial need, and exceptional promise, to undertake graduate study in specific fields in the arts, humanities, and social sciences leading to a doctoral degree or to a master's degree in those fields in which the master's degree is the terminal highest degree awarded in the selected field of study at accredited institutions of higher education. The selected fields in the arts are: creative writing, music performance, music theory, music composition, music literature, studio arts (including photography),television, film, cinematography, theater arts, playwriting,screenwriting, acting, and dance. The selected fields in the humanities are: American history, art history (includingarchitectural history), archeology, area studies, classics,comparative literature, English language and literature, folklore, folk life, foreign languages and literature, foreign languages thatare less commonly taught as follows: Arabic, Chinese, Japanese,Korean, Russian, Indic family (including Hindi, Urdu, Sinhala,Bengali, Nepali, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarati, Oriya, Assamese);Iranian family (including Dari, Farsi, Tajiki, Kurdish, Pashto,Balochi); and Turkic family (including Turkish, Azerbaijani/Azeri,Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Turkmen, Uzbek, Uyghur), linguistics, non-American history, philosophy, religion (excluding study of religious vocation), speech, rhetoric, and debate. The selected fields in the social sciences are: anthropology, communications and media, criminology, economics, ethnic and cultural studies, geography, political science, psychology (excluding clinical psychology), public policy and public administration, and sociology (excludingthe master's and doctoral degrees in social work). Applications Available: August 29, 2007. Deadline for Transmittal of Applications: October 15, 2007. Deadline for Transmittal of the Free Application for FederalStudent Aid (FAFSA): January 31, 2008. Eligible Applicants: Individuals who at the time ofapplication: (1) Have not completed their first full year of studyfor a doctoral degree or a master's degree in those fields in whichthe master's degree is the terminal highest degree awarded in theselected field of study, or will be entering a doctoral degreeprogram or a master's degree program in those fields in which themaster's degree is the terminal highest degree awarded in theselected field of study in academic year 2008-2009; (2) areeligible to receive grant, loan, or work assistance pursuant tosection 484 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (HEA);and (3) intend to pursue a doctoral or master's degree in fieldsselected by the JKJ Fellowship Board at accredited U.S.institutions of higher education. An individual must be a citizenor national of the United States, a permanent resident of theUnited States, in the United States for other than a temporarypurpose and intending to become a permanent resident, or a citizenof any one of the Freely Associated States. Estimated Available Funds: $2,782,212. Estimated Average Size of Awards: $42,892. Estimated Number of Awards: 64. Additional Information: Applicable regulations, priorities, andother information are available in the Federal Register notice.Additional information is available online at:*******************************************************************

Reminder Boren Scholarships meeting

This Wednesday. Scroll down for more information.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Upcoming European Studies Center events

EUCE/ESC Upcoming Events

Wednesday, September 19
12:00 p.m.- 1:00 p.m.
Posvar 4130
Lecture--Pizza and Politics: "Struggling for Voice: The Mobilization Dynamics of Minority Language Activism in France" by Kai Heidemann, Ph.D. candidate in Sociology.Sponsored by: European Studies Center, European Union Center of ExcellenceFor more information, contact Kathleen Ramcharran - 412-383-7694
Thursday, September 20
4:00 p.m.
3703 Posvar Hall
Lecture--Rape and the Holocaust
For more information, contact Hans Gerlach -

Wednesday, September 26
12:00 - 1:00
4130 Posvar Hall
Cultural Event--Contemporary Slavery: Implications for Global Health and Policy
Representatives from the Project to End Human Trafficking, a non-profit organization working regionally, nationally, and internationally in the anti-slavery movement, will explain human trafficking and some of the ways in which policy-makers, public health professionals and concerned citizens can get involved. Discussion will include a short film clip. This is an International Week Event.Sponsored by: European Studies Center, European Union Center of Excellence, Global Studies Program, International Week, Asian Studies Center, Center for Russian and East European StudiesFor more information, contact Kathleen Ramcharran - 412-383-7694

Wednesday, September 26
12:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.
4130 Posvar Hall
Roundtable--International Week Event: Human Trafficking Symposium
Sponsored by: Asian Studies Center, Center for Latin American Studies, Center for Russian and East European Studies, European Union Center of Excellence, Global Studies ProgramFor more information, contact Gina Peirce - (412) 648-2290

Friday, September 7 & Saturday, September 8
1:00 - 8:00 p.m. &8:30 a.m.- 7:30 p.m.
Alumni Hall Room 532, Fifth Avenue
Workshop--Rethinking Integration: Reconciling the Needs of the Immigrant Populations and the Security of Transatlantic Societies
This two-day workshop is the third in a series organized by the University of Pittsburgh’s Ford Institute for Human Security in conjunction with the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (Sciences Po) In two workshops held in Pittsburgh in the fall of 2005 and Paris in the spring of 2006, the assembled group examined the linkages between immigration, integration and security in attempting to develop a systematic understanding of how the policies of border control, internal surveillance and civil liberties have been played out within Europe -- at the supranational level of the EU, as well as among European national governments -- and in the US. Questions considered in the project concerned whether policies on the two continents had converged; the character and relative success of various policies; and the consequences of those policies.

Thursday, October 4
4:00 p.m.
3703 Posvar Hall
Lecture--Anarchist Interventionism: American Anarchists and Social Revolution in the Spanish Civil War
A talk given by Kenyon Zimmer, Ph.D, Department of History. Part of the European Colloquium.Audience: Open to the PublicFor more information, contact Hans Gerlach -

Honors College lecture September 14

Professor Edwin Floyd
Department of Classics
Friday, September 14, 2007
2 P.M.
3500 Cathedral of Learning
The Odyssey is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to the Ionian poet Homer and commonly dated around 725 BC. It centers on the Greek hero Odysseus and his long journey home to Ithaca, following the fall of Troy. When Odysseus reaches home he is disguised as a beggar and encounters his wife, Penelope, testing her intentions and fidelity in his long absence. Some scholars believe there is evidence that Penelope already knows the true identity of the disguised Odysseus. How does one settle this suggestion? Today’s lecture will introduce you to the fascinating scholarship on exegesis of this ancient text. Professor Floyd’s areas of specialization are Greek poetry, Greek and Indo-European linguistics, and Sanskrit. All three of these areas are combined in his work on Indo-European poetic formulas in Sanskrit (Rig-Veda and
Mahabharata) and in Greek.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Bioethics Lecture September 11


Sponsored by the Center for Bioethics and Health Law and

Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences – Magee Women’s Hospital

September 11, 2007

“The Disposition Decision: How Post-IVF Couples Decide What To Do With Their Surplus Frozen Embryos”

Robert Nachtigall, MD

Clinical Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences

University of California – San Francisco

12:00-1:00 p.m.

G-20 School of Law

3900 Forbes Avenue

Ground Floor

Summary: The widespread utilization of IVF technology has had an unforeseen consequence – the accumulation of over 400,000 unused frozen embryos. As a result, thousands of couples are faced with the dilemma of what to do with their surplus frozen embryos, i.e., the disparity of the potential embryo used and outcomes: they can be used by the couple in further attempts to conceive; they can be “donated” to other infertile couples who wish to have a child; they can be used in medical research; they can be destroyed; or they can be stored indefinitely. Dr. Nachtigall will discuss the disposition decision.

This lecture is free and open to the public. No reservation is needed.

This course is presented in conjunction with the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. It has been approved by the PA Continuing Legal Education Board for 1 hour of substantive CLE credit. Participants register and pay $25 at the door. Checks should be made payable to the University of Pittsburgh School of Law. For further information, contact Matt Moon at 412-648-1320.

Boren Scholarships Information Session

On September 12, 2007 at 4:30PM in 1175 Benedum Hall, a representative
from the Institute of International Education will be speaking with
interested students about the National Security Education Program (NSEP)
David L. Boren Scholarships and Fellowships.

NSEP provides a unique funding opportunity for U.S. students to study
world regions critical to U.S. interests (including Africa, Asia, Central
& Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East). The
countries of Western Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are

The Boren Scholarship provides opportunities for undergraduate students to
study in world regions critical to U.S. interests, but generally
underrepresented in study abroad.

The Boren Fellowship allows graduate students to add an important
international and language component to their graduate studies.

Additional information on preferred geographic regions, languages and
fields of study and application procedures can be found at

For more information please contact Amy Eckhardt ( or NSEP at
1 800 618 NSEP or

Amy Eckhardt
Director of National Scholarships and International Programming University
Honors College University of Pittsburgh 3500 Cathedral of Learning
Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Voice: 412 624 6881
Fax: 412 624 6885

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Sep 10: Performance/Reading at Duquesne

Performance--Creative Reading by Mohja Kahf

7:00 pm

Duquesne University, PNC Recital Hall of the School of Music

Poet, novelist, and academic Mohja Kahf will give a creative reading in the PNC Recital Hall of the Mary Pappert School of Music. Kahf is the author of the novel The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf (Carroll & Graf, 2006), the poetry collection E-mails from Scheherazad (University Press of Florida, 2003), and a scholarly book Western Representations of the Muslim Woman (University of Texas Press, 1999). She is currently Associate Professor in the Department of English and in the Middle East and Islamic Studies Program at the University of Arkansas. For more information, contact Magali Cornier Michael -

Sponsored by: Duquesne University, English Department and Women's & Gender Studies Program

Sep 10: Lecture on Muslim Women at Duquesne


Lecture/Forum-Mohja Kahf, "Gender Justice and the Discourse on Muslim Women: Getting Past the Pity Committee"
3:00 pm
Duquesne University, 607 Fisher Hall

Mohja Kahf will give a lecture entitled "Gender Justice and the Discourse on Muslim Women: Getting Past the Pity Committee," on Western typecasting of Arab women. Kahf is the author of the novel The Girl in the Tangerine Scarf (Carroll & Graf, 2006), the poetry collection E-mails from Scheherazad (University Press of Florida, 2003), and a scholarly book Western Representations of the Muslim Woman (University of Texas Press, 1999). She is currently Associate Professor in the Department of English and in the Middle East and Islamic Studies Program at the University of Arkansas. For more information, contact Magali Cornier Michael -

Sponsored by: Duquesne University, English Department and Women's & Gender Studies Program


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